Posted in photography, rainbow, random questions, rant

Just Why – Politics?

Why to people feel the need to post political statements on social media? I’m not talking about political blogs or discussion groups. Enjoy your debates there. I am talking about general Facebook or Twitter accounts.

Feel what you feel….just don’t spout off. I’m not going to change your mind, you’re not going to change mine….and when you call me an idiot for what I think or believe (without me engaging at all), all you do is make me angry and less likely to even consider your point of view. Besides, my Mom always said, “don’t talk religion or politics.”

Posted in animals, birds, photography, random questions


We were out to get some supplies yesterday and saw several children visiting the store with an adult. I can appreciate the idea of a mom or dad being concerned about Covid and not wanting the kids to attend in-person classes and I know schedules have changed with various times for various students. Plus, I am sure the children are going stir crazy at home. Here’s my ponder point for today:

If you are doing home learning now because of Covid concerns why would you have your unmasked children running around in stores?